This Sweep Ended On Jun 29, 2019 11:59PM UTC


Below are the details of the the MAJOR LEAGUE FISHING’S ULTIMATE DREAM SWEEPSTAKES sweepstakes.

  • Enter: Daily per Person
    Enter Via: Web
  • Tags:
  • Award Frequency: Single
Prizes Categories: Vacations & Events

There are ten (10) Grand Prizes available to be won. Ten (10) Grand Prize winners will each receive a Major League Fishing Ultimate Dream Experience at Hawk’s Cay Resort from Monday, September 16, 2019 to Thursday, September 19, 2019. Grand Prize package includes:

Round-trip, coach-class airfare for winner to an airport of Sponsor’s choice in Florida from a major airport nearest the winner’s residence within the 48 contiguous United States as determined by Major League Fishing; Three (3) nights, single-room accommodations at Hawks Cay Resort;
Group meals; Two (2) salt water, half-day fishing excursions; One (1) Major League Fishing jersey and gift bag. The Grand Prize is only available from Monday, September 16, 2019 to Thursday, September 19, 2019.

Restrictions: open to legal residents of the 48 contiguous United States, and the District of Columbia, who are age 21 or older at the time of entry. Void in Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, outside the U.S., and wherever else prohibited by law | Country: USA
Notes: Limit: One (1) Entry per person per Prize Partner Entry Form per day for a maximum of twenty-five (25)Entries per person per day.

Started: Apr 4, 2019
Expires: Jun 29, 2019 11:59PM UTC
Submitted: by HAPPYBOY

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